Monday, October 24, 2011

10 Health Benefits of Dates

Do you search for a special fruit which gives you all food gradients you need ?!

Dates are the best choice to have all you need in a small dry fruit .The health benefits of dates are innumerable .

These are the top 10 helth benefits of dates ..

1- As we run away from fats we find dates very good having low fats and being rich in vitamins and minerals.

2- the are an important source of protein and vitamens as well . They have important vitamins ( B1, B2, B3 and B5 along with vitamin A1 and C ).

3- Dates is a super source of energy and contain natural sugars like glucose, sucrose and fructose.
It`s advisable to add dates to milk that gives you great advantage .

4- Eating dates helps improve improve the process of digestion as they contain fibers and kinds of amino acids .

5- Dates have a good amount of iron that make them good to treat anemia and also it is used to slow down tooth decay with their flourine content .

6- They have high content of potassium and low of sodium which helps regulate nervousness and reduce the risk of stroke .

7- Dates are helpful for those who suffer from constipation . You can soak dates and take it with water which gives you great advantage.

8- If you have a problem in your sexual stamina you can soak some in goat`s milk overnight in the morning grind the dates in the milk and add some honey and cardamom powder then drink it .

9- They helps people who want to gain weight and it`s very useful in the cases of alcoholic intoxication .

10- Dates are used to cure abdominal cancer and they are prefered as they are natural . They are also found effective for eye sight improving it and curing night blindness.

With these benefits and more else we can make a friendship with dates as our favourite fruit ;) .
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